Friday, February 25, 2011

Meet The house 7 gengs!

  • jieha
  • wani
  • fara oma
  • rasad
  • salfarino
  • puchi ateh!
  • yana bonqzu
  • ntah?? krikk2(bunyi cengkerik)
  • elise S
  • Hira aya
  • Ifa kent
  • hafiz R
Post entry ni dlm keadaan yg x brape nk stabil.. I just hope
time will cure everything. haha

p/s: fara rindu aku x? hahaa

Kinda Frustrating..

haish.. apo nih yg awok rso??
awok frust la sbb ade yg awok syg nih dh ade awek bru..
nahahahha!!!! (gelak ke sedih tuh?)
awok frust! frust! frust!

hmm wlupon ak xde hal nk jeles ato pe pon..
but hati ini bagaikn x mngerti..
ayat mahu yg tiptop jeh!


hmm.. i love his song very much.
very simple but full of meaning as a slave to Creator(Allah swt)

Open your eyes by Maher zain
Its about why we as human would not see the Allah power and He as the creator of all.

Look around yourselves Can’t you see this wonder Spreaded infront of you The clouds floating by The skies are clear and blue Planets in the orbits The moon and the sun Such perfect harmony Let start questioning ourselves Isn't these proof enough for us Or we are so blind To push all aside. NO! We just have to open our eyes. our heart and minds If we just look bright to see the signs We can’t keep hiding from the truth Let it take us by surprise Take us in the best way .....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Moh la kite bercanda smbil ckp perok!

Hari ni awok nk khabor ke keme sume hei yg
trjadi antra awok n kwn awok nih..
Kawan awok nih orang parit jd awok kena ckp parit sikit,

awok ckp klate die maroh, jd awok nk ckp parit lah!
(Sambil tgn melambai2 seperti usop)
Sayang kamoo la YanaBonqzu, awok nk bg kamoo hepi je
kamoo jgn la ngis dibelakg hari nnt..
Awok tahu ape jd, wlupon kamo tu keteh tisu je..

Jadi awok tlh mmpersendakan entry kamoo yg latest yg
telah kamo delete td.. haish idok le ade sapeh2 yg
merasakan pelik, tp kamo tu yg malu lbh
hikhikhik.. ;P
Awok nok kamoo co0l je wlupon awok tahu lame
doh jd nih,kamo x kabor ke awok pon kn2!!
Peeeiikk!!! Bunyi tamparan nyamuk dekat umh kamu
bnyok beno nyamuk nyee!! aish sabo je la!

hehe... Awok nk kamu hepi taw, wlupon awok tahu
ramai yg rindu ke awok klu x dtg umah kamoo
kihkihkihkih... =)
Mesti kamoo geram ke awok kn lps incident memalu kn ni
tp xpe awok phm..muko kamoo mesti cmni kea!

p/s : I love Kak Limah n You Yana!

Suke Suke btol!

Update entry ni sbb nk masuk contest juge nih wlupon dh last
and nk expired sudah.. xpo aih! jnji wat jgok.. kena ada usaha tu..!!!
So this blog is Demo n Vintage.. Terkial2 ak dok wat bnde ni n btw thanks tu
u specky! muah2! xpe saje je nk try bende2 nih...
lo nih nok oyap gapo lg, ambo punyo follower pom ado brapo jah ...
awok n awok!
hehe...sori lah ye I play Pick ..hahaha.. the importance of ENGLISH EDUCATSYIIEEENNN...HAHA

