Thursday, April 28, 2011

bajet ko COMEL la...

ko ngat ko COMEL sgt ke???????
plezz laaaa.....ak suke tgk kot!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I have no body~

hmm.. practically i feel empty because being a single person that is
common feeling that u will feel but I dont care so much because coupling make me
feel "serabukk peruut" ahaha...lawak r coz tu inspired by ngangkung..kih4..
minum lah air srabukk perut sb demo bnyok msloh. hahahha
serius cite tu cm bodo je but anyway continue with what i have felt for a month being single but
i want to make my own record which is being single forever until i meet some1 that i really
want to stick with. If u all read it might sound like "aaahhh..ak x penah ade bf oke je.." xpon "ala..stkat sebulan tu ak pon leh wat"...xpon "perluke ko nk kecoh2 ko single"..hahahhaha...
seriusly ak xde la nk kesah pon ape org rs sbb tu pengalmn masing2 kn...
But ak dh ckup berusaha utk mem"bz"kn dri spya ak x rs lonely or empty.

Tp ak ade kwn2 yg sgt2 supportive and slalu wat ak rs diperlukn. Then I think its enough reason
for me to keep on liv in this rude world. The world isnt rude but u make it rude.. Positive gile la ak nih, haha..biasa la ak mmg x ske kn masalah berkaitan ngn org mahupon tidak..As long bnde tu ade prkataan masalah, aku akn sdya upy cba elakkn. Tp kte ni sape la nk halang bnde yg nk jd kn...

Hmmmm.... di sini ak nk berterima Kasih sgt2 pdo demo2 yg slmo nih support kawe.. Dikala kawe ssh n sene... N sgt2 berterima kasih kt FARAOMAR sb dia sgt best n supportive. n elis,farahi, jie,yana, ifa,wani, hira,nina,n iwan.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Vision and Mission

-mahu lbh dkt dgn Allah
-study smpai degree level
-ada own bisnes
-try to live tnpa lelaki
-kaya ray[sume nk yg tu]
-beli kete
-g melancong bwk famly

-sentiasa berusaha sbb Allah tolong org yg berusaha dan padaNya kta berserah atas urusan dan
keputusan. Dan jgn lah merasa gagal jika kta telah jatuh kerna itu akn mbuat kta trus gagal dlm hdup..-

"As u all can see, kta ada bnyk bnde nk capai tp kte lupa yg bnde tu sume senang je nk dpt asalkn kte dkt kn dri dgn Allah swt dan sentiasa berusaha kerna rzki x dtg bergolek."
Doa abah bg:
Ya Allah kau jga lah penglihatanku, peliharan lah pendengaran ku, dan kawal lah percakapn ku.Amin


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Orange + Chocolatee

hehe...entry kali about rs yg ak ckup suka
iaitu masam+manis=pergh such a lovely taste..
Ni pon sbb ak bru lps mkn kek coklat buatan kakk kpd mber ak..
sedap kot tp klu sental ngn buah orange skali pon best koott!!!
*Tlan air liur..
sperti pk cik google tunjuk most of orange they made as cake deco
but why they dont think to put the oranges inside the cake huh?
How do feel when eating chocolate cake with juicy orange jus spreading in ur mouth..
kihkihkihkih..hahaha..I cannot imagine koott..

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gua Timpiring(the i language)

mainly entry kali ni psal trip mentor mentee aq ke GUA TEMPURUNG,KAMPAR PERAK.. Should be pkol 9 tu gerak dh dri kolej, tp ak ni trlalu lah rajin bgun pg akibat nye pkol 9 bru trsedar bunyi fon dup dang dup dang lagu dendangan Metallica-Enter the sandman.. aku pon trjga skali bdak "sekg" call rupanya sbb ak je yg ndak sampe!(cite k.limah)..
So ape lg trjun la merata2 mandi pkai bju sume n senang cite bersiap dlm msa 15min..akibatnye sume ak lupa daaa...torchlight n ade laaa(hehe..).. Makan2 sume cao g..sampai dsna tong tang tong tang ready nk msuk gua dh.. kali ni rombongan mak limah akn bersama ngn dak skolah TEKNIK BALIK PULAU..diorg mmg the best pnya!! adik2 yg comel blaka kot.. DIorg dak form 5 n amik elektrik kt teknik tu.. Xpela kan..msa ke smasa ktorg mnjd kamceng sbb org utara lah ktakn aq n kwn2 pon mostly org utara..hahaha..=)

So xleh bwk nset sbb ktorg amik trip no 3 masuk ayo pnya ak nk bwk jgak2!! so bwk laaa sbb kn fon ak pon x sehat jd gmba yg ade pon x brape nk best laaaa...truk kot meniarap dlm ayer tuh..but the best ever la byo rm10 utk trip2 cmtu, rsa berbaloi2 cm Kamdar..kih3..

Then ni la beberapa pic yg dlm ak salurkn ketika didlm gua timpiring tu..dan juga secebis video pd awalan masuk gua tuh..~~enjoy ye!

Sebelum masuk yea!

Syuk,Elis,Farah-smntra tggu tmpat paling gila skali..

Lubang kecik gile yg perlu dilalui utk laluan seterusnya~

Abg tour guide yg garang nk mampuih..rsa nk tmpaq dia best!~

Ni lah secebis dri dak2 skolah TEKNIK BALIK PULAU tu..

Best gile kot! n ak rs nk bwk famly ak dtg laaa..good place for family trip. sbb keluar dri gua trus penat+lapo+kust+blengah=Best!

p/s: soo sorry sbb pic x atleast ade..

High Blood Pressure

TOlong la fhm ak xnk kt ko.
knp wat ak cm ni?
perlu ke aku maki2 utk wat ko fhm? ak x fhm btol
ak dh ckp jgn kacau ak which means jgn la kacaw..
pastu ko msg2 segala bnde bodoh..
come on man ,dimnakah kewarasan otak mu??
ak kesian kt ko la klu ak maki2 tp ko x kesian kt dri ko
sndri pekes bro??
enough is enough...x mampu la ak nk tggung mnde2 gini..
bnyk bnde lg ak nk pk selain ko!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Owhh.. what happen Im not born 4 this..

huish.. assignment make me tough gile
lebih tough dri pemain rugby malaysia x pon org puteh..
ak rs sgt2 tough giler bhai(elise sallehudin)~~ hahaha

seriously sem 6 nih I feel so weak in handling things
x larat seyh bnyk sgt asaimen nih,klu skit tp bnyk xper la jgak..
ni dh bnyk dn bnyk lg, pe cer we humans need rest bro! even processor laptop pon kna sejuk je
bru laptop leh jln..(kes my laptop)haha
kipas processor rosak x ganti laptop hang same to we humans!!
owwhh please lah..give me a break bluaahh!!

At last org yg kwn baik korg tu ganggu ak plak an seb bek
dia tkut ngn ak..ceit.. how could i can scare people..
Im sooo not born for this, im born to learn but not stress
how could i can be so stress right now..cant imagine bcoz im feeling it deeply
down in my deepest floor of my heart inside the room with a small box..
quite deep huh?


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gloomy lah...

Ntah knp ye... kuat tacink skit skng nih...
heh? moon coming keh?
hmm....x rasa nk tulis dh...
sbb assignment x siap lg.. bye..

Continue to feel this gloomy, but y?
but i know my self better than others mybe..
keh3.. aq x dpt pe yg ak nak sbnrnye which is !@#$%^
ade leee... kinda dun like to expose everything here we human have personal things
right guys!
others cant change my love towards u, even i hve tried to fine replacement
it still not the same feeling that i have..
damn it!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Meet The house 7 gengs!

  • jieha
  • wani
  • fara oma
  • rasad
  • salfarino
  • puchi ateh!
  • yana bonqzu
  • ntah?? krikk2(bunyi cengkerik)
  • elise S
  • Hira aya
  • Ifa kent
  • hafiz R
Post entry ni dlm keadaan yg x brape nk stabil.. I just hope
time will cure everything. haha

p/s: fara rindu aku x? hahaa

Kinda Frustrating..

haish.. apo nih yg awok rso??
awok frust la sbb ade yg awok syg nih dh ade awek bru..
nahahahha!!!! (gelak ke sedih tuh?)
awok frust! frust! frust!

hmm wlupon ak xde hal nk jeles ato pe pon..
but hati ini bagaikn x mngerti..
ayat mahu yg tiptop jeh!


hmm.. i love his song very much.
very simple but full of meaning as a slave to Creator(Allah swt)

Open your eyes by Maher zain
Its about why we as human would not see the Allah power and He as the creator of all.

Look around yourselves Can’t you see this wonder Spreaded infront of you The clouds floating by The skies are clear and blue Planets in the orbits The moon and the sun Such perfect harmony Let start questioning ourselves Isn't these proof enough for us Or we are so blind To push all aside. NO! We just have to open our eyes. our heart and minds If we just look bright to see the signs We can’t keep hiding from the truth Let it take us by surprise Take us in the best way .....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Moh la kite bercanda smbil ckp perok!

Hari ni awok nk khabor ke keme sume hei yg
trjadi antra awok n kwn awok nih..
Kawan awok nih orang parit jd awok kena ckp parit sikit,

awok ckp klate die maroh, jd awok nk ckp parit lah!
(Sambil tgn melambai2 seperti usop)
Sayang kamoo la YanaBonqzu, awok nk bg kamoo hepi je
kamoo jgn la ngis dibelakg hari nnt..
Awok tahu ape jd, wlupon kamo tu keteh tisu je..

Jadi awok tlh mmpersendakan entry kamoo yg latest yg
telah kamo delete td.. haish idok le ade sapeh2 yg
merasakan pelik, tp kamo tu yg malu lbh
hikhikhik.. ;P
Awok nok kamoo co0l je wlupon awok tahu lame
doh jd nih,kamo x kabor ke awok pon kn2!!
Peeeiikk!!! Bunyi tamparan nyamuk dekat umh kamu
bnyok beno nyamuk nyee!! aish sabo je la!

hehe... Awok nk kamu hepi taw, wlupon awok tahu
ramai yg rindu ke awok klu x dtg umah kamoo
kihkihkihkih... =)
Mesti kamoo geram ke awok kn lps incident memalu kn ni
tp xpe awok phm..muko kamoo mesti cmni kea!

p/s : I love Kak Limah n You Yana!

Suke Suke btol!

Update entry ni sbb nk masuk contest juge nih wlupon dh last
and nk expired sudah.. xpo aih! jnji wat jgok.. kena ada usaha tu..!!!
So this blog is Demo n Vintage.. Terkial2 ak dok wat bnde ni n btw thanks tu
u specky! muah2! xpe saje je nk try bende2 nih...
lo nih nok oyap gapo lg, ambo punyo follower pom ado brapo jah ...
awok n awok!
hehe...sori lah ye I play Pick ..hahaha.. the importance of ENGLISH EDUCATSYIIEEENNN...HAHA



Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ruby's Travels

Assalamualaikum...garu kepala jap, xtaw mne nk start lu.

Best siot wat keje gile bile time muda2 gini. One of my adventure is bila pocket kering tp mau jln. Amacam tu bro? So I need to do something, sbb ak ni spesis yg x reti dok diam. Ak pon xde mber yg sekapal yg gile cm ak nih, mlm tu cuti merdeka 2008, ingat ade smbutan la kt Melaka. So planning nye nk g Melaka nk tgk org sambut Merdeka. So bile ak dh amik tiket ke sna, sume kisah tlah bermula..~,~

Aku naik bas smpai la terminal one kot? yeke ? Ntah la , ske ati dia la nk nama ape tmpat bas tuh. Aku pon g la cri bas utk ke pekan la.. tny pnya tny, dpt la sekor bas yg buruk ni. Jadilah asal leh jln, pe mau kesah kn. Bawok la ak oleh bas tu memusing kota ray melaka. Pastu dh nmpk Mahkota Parade! Ahah! inilah tmpatnye! So ak pon trun la bas smbil tgk keliling cm org x pnh tgk town r ktakn..ceh hee.. -,- traveller bai!

So ak pon masuk la MP tu pusing2 jap, g surau solat cas hp skali sbb nk stay stu mlm kt Melaka. Ak dh bli tket blik k.l siap2 tkut duit xde kot, merempat la ak klu x bli tiket lg.. Ak pon overnite sorang2 mlm tu. Pergh sgguh la naseb baik sbb mlm tu merdeka so area MP tu ramai org xde la kesunyian ak mlm tu.. Ak g area dataran phlawan nk dkt pkoi 12 tu, tggu pny tggu..-.-?? Xde pon sambutan pe citer ni bro? Sudaaahh!!! Ak pon pusing5 dataran tu smpai bosan jln3 smpai x jmpa jln. KEmbali ke pangkal jln lah ye, kt Taming Sari. LEpak la kt krusi tu berjam2 lmanye. Smpai trtdo2 la kt krusi tu.. Then ade sorang gad Muzium sblh T.S tu nmpk ak yg dlm kesedihan ngn nyamuknye!

Dia pon tny la dri mna n segala bagai sembg punya sembg ade bro sorg lg join sembgn ktorg..
sembg n trus sembg lg.. pastu nk dekat 7 pg dh, incik rosli bg la ak masuk muzium tu ikot pintu blkg spya dpt trus ke toilet utk bersih2 kn dri..sgt2 trharu la gamaknye..pastu ak jmp blik bro tu ak mnx la dri.. smbil bertukar2 no fon kot2 ak nk wat hal skali lg kn..hahaha...
then pg tu ak naik la bas ke terminal one n naik bas blik ke k.l...slamat lah smpai akhirnye..

Dan ak rs that is the most adventurous moment in my life..Sbb cmne korg hdup tmpt org ngn ade brape rggit je, xde mber, xde sape2 yg korg knal n korg seorg pompn..huh!! GILA BRO!!!